Examen online de Nivel de Inglés B1


Students should be able to understand and produce the following in addition to the contents listed in the previous level.

Talking about the past  – Past continuous- Past simple -Used to –  Past perfect,  Using perfect tenses – Present perfect simple Present perfect continuous,   Contrasting tenses – Past simple vs. present perfect simple,   Present perfect simple vs. present perfect continuous,  Past continuous, past simple and past perfect , Talking about the future – Going to future ,Predicting the future (will probably, probably won’t, be likely to, might/not, may /not) ,Future continuous,  Expressing obligation, prohibition, permission and lack of necessity   Have to, must, mustn’t, can, don’t have to, be allowed to, Expressing regrets   Should/shouldn’t have + past participle   Speculating in the present   Must/ can’t/ could/ might + infinitive    Reporting   Statements   Questions   Orders   Using reporting verbs agree, offer, refuse, ask, order, invite, suggest, apologise for, etc. Using verb patterns   Infinitive or Gerund: imagine, feel like, suggest, practise,  miss, avoid, mean, look forward to,  hope, expect, afford, choose By the end of the course the students should be able to understand and produce the following in addition to the contents listed in the previous Senior syllabi. 2 Using gerunds and infinitives with change in meaning   Remember, stop, regret, mean, try, etc Changing focus (passive voice & causative use of have) Present , past, present perfect, and future Have something done. Using cohesive devices if, as, when, until, as soon as,   despite, in spite of   So, such, such…that Expanding information   Defining relative clauses Non‐defining relative clauses

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