Examen online de Nivel de Inglés B1+


Students should be able to understand and produce the following in addition to the contents listed in the previous level.

Asking for specific information – Subject and object questions, Speculating about the present Must, can’t, might, may, could, Talking about habits in the present and in the past – Usually Used to Be /get used to, Expressing conditions –  Zero, first, second, third conditional sentences, Changing focus  – Passive voice – all forms,  Have/get sth done,  Comparing – comparative and superlative forms,  Reported speech,  Indirect questions,  Talking about the present, Talking about the past, , Talking about the future, Describing if something is sufficient Too and enough, Talking about experiences, recent events, etc , Using of Articles Articles (zero, a, the),  Expressing quantity Quantifiers (both, neither, either, all, none, most, some, any, a little, a few, a lot, plenty of, too, not enough), Modal verbs, permission and possibility,  Expressing obligation and absence of obligation must, have to, mustn’t, can, can’t, don’t have to, should, ought to, etc. Adding information – Defining and Non-defining relative clauses.

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