Students should be able to understand and produce the following in addition to the contents listed in the previous level.
Describing events with different time, Tenses (past, present and future) and time expressions. Reported speech, Reporting verbs, Expressing modality: obligation, necessity, duty, advice, ability, permission, prohibition, possibility, no obligation must / have to / need / should / ought to / can /could / may / might / be able to /needn’t/mustn’t/can’t / couldn’t, Related verbs: be required to /be supposed to / manage to / succeed in / be allowed to / be likely to, Expressing dissatisfaction, wishes and regret in the present and in the past Criticizing & showing annoyance Advice ‘wish / if only’ + simple past / past perfect ‘wouldn’t’ + infinitive ‘should’ + infinitive / perfect infinitive ‘could’ + perfect infinitive ‘had better’ + infinitive Rather, Expressing conditions – conditionals type 0, 1, 2 & 3 Mixed conditionals – As long as Unless Provided/ing that, Expanding information Defining and non-defining relative clauses, Making deductions and drawing conclusions in the past and expressing degrees of certainty in the past Modal verbs of deduction in the past, Talking about situations in the future – Future perfect and future perfect continuous, Linking ideas On the one hand, on the other hand, to sum up, interestingly, as mentioned above, in order to, so as to, so that, therefore, though. Checking information – Question tags, Talking about habits in the present and in the past Would (revision and contrast of used to – be/get used to) ,Expressing preferences ‘d rather ‘d prefer To be into/keen on/etc. Changing focus passive voice- all forms Causative use of have/get Comparing Revision of comparatives and superlatives Double comparative: the…the.
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