Students should be able to understand and produce the following in addition to the contents listed in the previous level.
Describing rooms, furniture & places, Talking about possession, Talking about regular activities, expressing frequency – Present simple + adverbs of frequency , Talking about activities in progress and contrasting them with habits – Present simple vs. present continuous , Giving personal information and biographical details, Regular & irregular verbs – Simple past, Narrating events in the past – describing sequences of events using connectors. first, then, so, too, one day, finally. Talking about obligation and absence of , Talking about countable and uncountable nouns, Talking about arrangements – Present continuous with future meaning, Making predictions – Future simple , Giving advice Should / shouldn’t , Expressing obligation and prohibition Must / mustn’t , Talking about life experiences – Present perfect: ever /never, Talking about likes and dislikes , Talking about actions in progress in the past When / while , Comparing – Comparatives and Superlatives , Expressing consequence.
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