Students should be able to understand and produce the following in addition to the contents listed in the previous level.
Expressing past habit – Used to Talking about the past, Past continuous vs. past simple, Could, Using perfect tenses – Present perfect simple (ever/never/just/already/yet/since/and for) Contrasting tenses – Past simple vs. present perfect simple, Expressing conditions – Second conditional, Reporting – Reported speech (said and told), Using verb patterns Verb + gerund or infinitive (without difference in meaning), Adjective + preposition + gerund (interested in, good at, keen on, etc), Confirming information – Question tags, Changing focus – Passive voice: present and past, Using cohesive devices although, in addition, however, next, after that Comparing Comparative and superlative adjectives and adverbs (not) as …as , Too and enough – Too much /many, Expressing quantity – Quantifiers: some, a few, few, a little, not many, not much, not any, etc. , Expressing past within the past – Past perfect.
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